- For the Public
- For Lawyers
- Board on Professional Responsibility
- Office of Disciplinary Counsel
- Disciplinary Decisions
Attorney Discipline News
- Administrative Order 2020-8: Live Streams of Hearing Committee Proceedings
- Amendments to the Rules of the Board on Professional Responsibility
- Amendment to Reinstatement Questionnaire
- Administrative Order 2023-1: Return to In-Person Proceedings
- The Court of Appeals Makes Appointments to the Board on Professional Responsibility
- Amendments to the Rules of the Board on Professional Responsibility
- Volunteer Opportunities
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT, effective immediately, in order to file any document with the Board on Professional Responsibility, or any Hearing Committee, the filing party shall convert the document to a PDF and email it to casemanager@dcbpr.org. This includes all documents filed in pending cases, as well as Specifications of Charges, Petitions for Negotiated Discipline, Petitions for Reinstatement, and any other document filed with the Board or a Hearing Committee. The document shall be signed with an image of the filer’s signature or an “/s” on the signature line. The “re” line of the transmitting email shall include the case name and Board Docket number. The body of the email shall include the title of the attached document, as well as the filer’s name and phone number.
Documents received at or before 5:00 p.m. shall be lodged for filing on the day received. Documents received after 5:00 p.m. shall be lodged for filing on the following day. Once a document has been accepted for filing, a stamped copy of the document will be emailed to the proper parties. If the document to be filed is too large to be sent by email, the filing party shall email casemanager@dcbpr.org to request further instructions. This Order relates to the manner of filing with the Board and Hearing Committees only. Filed documents must comply with all applicable Board Rules and/or applicable Board or Hearing Committee Order(s).
In addition to the foregoing, the filing party must also mail a copy of the document to the Office of the Executive Attorney, 430 E Street, N.W., Suite 138, Washington, D.C. 20001, and serve the document on the opposing party by email and U.S. Mail (or other form of “hard copy” delivery), absent the parties’ agreement to another manner of service.
All Board or Hearing Committee reports and/or orders shall be served on the parties by email. All parties and counsel are reminded of the obligation to provide an email address on documents filed with the Board or a Hearing Committee. See Board Rule 19.5(a).
Disciplinary Counsel shall serve a copy of this Order with any Specification of Charges, as well as any motion seeking a Board order during a confidential disciplinary investigation (i.e., a motion to compel a response to Disciplinary Counsel’s inquiry).
- For the Public
- For Lawyers
- Board on Professional Responsibility
- Office of Disciplinary Counsel
- Disciplinary Decisions
Attorney Discipline News
- Administrative Order 2020-8: Live Streams of Hearing Committee Proceedings
- Amendments to the Rules of the Board on Professional Responsibility
- Amendment to Reinstatement Questionnaire
- Administrative Order 2023-1: Return to In-Person Proceedings
- The Court of Appeals Makes Appointments to the Board on Professional Responsibility
- Amendments to the Rules of the Board on Professional Responsibility
- Volunteer Opportunities